Date Time
Tue 10/21/2014 01:00pm - 04:30pm

IBM SPSS Statistics software is used for statistical analysis and reporting.

Learning Objectives:

  • Navigate the SPSS Windows interface (Chap. 1)
  • Open and save SPSS data files (Chap. 1)
  • Run simple analyses and create simple charts (Chap. 1)
  • Import data in Excel format and in text format into SPSS (Chap. 2)
  • Add and edit cases using the Data Editor (Chap. 3)
  • Define variable attributes, such as variable type, variable labels, value labels, and missing values (Chap. 3)
  • Create a categorical variable from a scale variable (Chap. 8)
  • Compute new variables based on existing variables (Chap. 8)
  • Use functions and conditional expressions in computations (Chap. 8)
  • Create and perform computations with date/time variables (Chap. 8)
This course does not cover any statistical procedures or discuss how to interpret statistical results.

This course is taught using SPSS for Windows, but the material covered also applies to SPSS on the Mac and Linux platforms.

Course Options:

Prerequisites: Basic/working knowledge of Microsoft Windows.

The workbook for this class is IBM SPSS Statistics 22 Brief Guide. It is recommended that you print your own copy of this workbook and bring it with you to class. If you do not, several copies will be available for sharing during class, but those copies cannot be removed from the classroom.
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Research/Searching, Statistics
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(804) 828-2227