Date Time
Fri 03/27/2020 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Have you heard, seen and /or experienced feelings of exclusion related to COVID-19? Has your campus experience changed as a result of the Coronavirus? RAMmalogues is a place where you can talk with other students about these lived experiences. The goal is to increase students` understanding of issues related to acceptance, belonging and inclusion around campus and to provide tools for talking about difference. RAMmalogues provides a braver/safer space for all students to talk with each other about their social identities and lived experiences at VCU. Dialogues encompassing race, gender, class and similar themes are led by trained facilitators provided by Kimbrough Consulting and Richmond Action Dialogues. Inclusive Excellence introduced RAMmalogues in Fall 2019 as a forum for Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) students to talk with peers about their lived experiences around diversity and inclusion. The topic is "How the Coronavirus affects me" for this RAMmalogues session on Friday, March 27, 2020 from noon-1:30 p.m.

Prerequisites: Register by March 25
Inclusive Excellence
VCU Students Only
Altman, Janice H