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Date |
Time |
Thu 10/07/2021 |
05:00pm - 06:30pm |
Thu 10/14/2021 |
05:00pm - 06:30pm |
Thu 10/21/2021 |
05:00pm - 06:30pm |
I'M COMING OUT - IExcel SC1051
This course explores the tensions surrounding issues of outness and visibility for LGBTQ+ people. Visibility is often considered critical for increasing awareness of and social acceptance for LGBTQ+ individuals, as it serves to disrupt and decenter cisnormative and heteronormative assumptions. However, this framework places the responsibility for being out and visible on individual LGBTQ+ while simultaneously ignoring the concrete risks associated with visibility. As such, this course explores how LGBTQ+ individuals navigate visibility, particularly in regard to issues of representation and presentation, and in relation to social spaces and institutions.
Prerequisites: This IExcel Pop-up course is open for registration to all VCU students.
IExcel Pop-up courses are non-credit co-curricular courses that meet 3 consecutive weeks on the same day. I`m Coming Out meets on 3 consecutive Thursdays for 90 minutes each.
Zoom information will be sent no later than the day of the course.
- Cost:
- $0.00
- Sponsor:
- Inclusive Excellence
- Audience:
- VCU Students Only