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Date |
Time |
Tue 08/08/2017 |
08:00am - 04:00pm |
On Tuesday, August 8th, a research mentor training workshop facilitated by Master Facilitators from the National Research Mentoring Network, an initiative supported by the NIH to diversify the biomedical workforce through mentoring, will take place in the Robert Ball Conference Room of the BioTech One building.
This workshop is based on the published curriculum of Mentor Training for Clinical and Translational Researchers, which is the framework for training across NRMN. Through a process-based approach, participants will explore an intellectual framework for research mentoring, have opportunities for reflection on mentoring skills, participate in a forum to solve mentoring dilemmas, and share strategies for success. Core competencies such as maintaining effective communication, aligning expectations, and promoting research self-efficacy will be addressed.
- Cost:
- $0.00
- Sponsor:
- Clinical and Translational Research
- Audience:
- VCU Faculty Only