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Date |
Time |
Wed 04/21/2021 |
02:00pm - 03:30pm |
Next in the Wright Center`s CReSS (Clincial Research Skills Series) workshop series, this workshop is under the Clinical Research Competency JTF?Domain?#5, Study & Site Managemen and Domain #7, Leadership & Professionalism.After completing this workshop, the learner will be able to: 1. Use evaluation criteria to identify COVID-19 and vaccine information2. Locate reliable sources of consumer health COVID-19/vaccine information3. Relate to research participant / patient concerns and questions regarding COVID-19/vaccines
Prerequisites: none
- Cost:
- $0.00
- Sponsor:
- Clinical and Translational Research
- Audience:
- VCU Faculty and Staff Only
- Category:
- Clinical Research, Professional Development, Teaching/Learning
- Contact:
- Helm, Shirley